Thursday, September 11, 2014

Binary Love

 Ever since grade school they have been taught to think like a machine, act like a machine, be a machine.

 So that's what they are.  

 Thoughtless mechanisms doing everything by the rule book because heaven forbid they ignore their programming.
 Day in and day out they compute their every move to the unofficial operations guide to being human.

      How to breath ............................... pg 2
      How to think ................................ pg 5    
      How to eat .................................. pg 8
      How to be an adolescent ..................... pg 16
      How to fall in love ......................... pg 21
 That's just the way all life seems to work these days. Little to no variation from machine to machine all because of this unofficial operations guide.

...Lets take just a minute to not be a machine and forget about this guide for a moment.

 Take a deep breath. Do it on your own. Do it because you want to, not because you that's what your programed to do. Feel how it feels to be alive for just a moment.

 I have thrown out this guide book long ago. I don't listen to the guide and my heart doesn't listen to my mind even when it probably should. 

 This has lead to some heartaches but that just lets me know I am not part of the system. I don't survive on zero's and ones, I survive with the persistent beat of a heart.

      ...I am not a robot