Monday August 20, 2012
Tomorrow is the beginning of it all. High school. I have butterflies for some strange reason. I'm excited, I'm nervous, I'm scared, I'm uncertain. Being the oldest child I have no idea what high school is going to be like, I wish I had someone who could tell me how everything works and how everything is. But I don't. it's all very confusing and it seems different than middle school. I think I have a pretty good idea of what it will be like from the movies and stuff. The plan for tomorrow is this: meet cj 15 minutes before school starts by the office. And then we will go to first period together, which is U.S. History with Calvin. Me and cj have 4 classes together this term. I think if I stick by my friends everything will be a-okay.
Tomorrow is the beginning of something new.
Saturday May 23, 2015
I graduate on Thursday. I only have to go to 2 more periods and I am done. Done with high school, and I couldn't be happier. I'm done with going to attendance school, I'm done with walking over to Walmart at lunch, I'm done with trying to make my way through the hallways, I'm done seeing kids carry their scriptures from class to class, and I'm beyond done having to wake up so damn early every day! That being said there are some things I am going to miss: seeing my friends every day, radio class with Max, Seth, and Daysen, creative writing with Nelson, going to the flower shop to buy corsages for the next dance, and the rest of the things that make me happy.
Today I went back and read some of my journal entries from the first few days of school and I just laugh at myself for thinking that high school was going to be so special. I figured it out one way or another though. But I have butterflies for some strange reason. I'm excited, I'm nervous, I'm scared, and I'm uncertain of what is next to come.
Yesterday I got my cap and gown and it really hit me that this week is probably the last time I will see so many of my friends faces. All anyone seems to talk about anymore is college and who is going where. It all feels so real. This week is just one big goodbye. And I know it's not the end, it's just the end of this part of my life.
"What have I become
My sweetest friendEveryone I know
Goes away in the end"
-Johnny Cash
18 and almost free,
adieu creative writing, adieu sgt pepper, adieu mr nelson, adieu room 221.
adieu to you... may you stay forever young.